(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

Forest map in a typical terrain of the Central Coast of Portugal, This terrain is very appreciated by all orienteering practitioners due to its technical quality, combined with the ease with which you can run at great speed. It is a land covered with pine forest in its entirety and the soil is sandy. At the technical level, it is characterized by its relief and micro-relief and also to the acacia areas which, in addition to stopping the progression of the corridors, also remove almost all visibility.
Here, the Iberian Women's Championship will take place on the weekend of 28 to 30 September 2018. This terrain had already been mapped by me and three more Russian cartographers in March 2005. Now it was again mapped by me and Batista and had an area of 9.3 km2.

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018

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