(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

This is the second map of the Club Romans Project.
Another map created with the help of a base map that was not and for that reason I had to work a lot using the older techniques so that everything would be fine.
In the end, I was very satisfied with this work. Lots of forest and lots of relief details.

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

(202) - Bathernay Map - France November2016

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