(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

This map was made by me for the COC - Orienteering Club of Center - www.coc.pt in Jun/July2014.
There was already an old map of 1997 and so far out of date. The new map has an area of ??1.5 Kms2 and has a completely new part to the south and also east.
The terrain is a mix of forest and urban. The part of the forest consists of sandy terrain with wide open parts, parts of pine forest with good visibility and other low visibility due to the high number of acacias. Generally the earthly dune with some pretty challenging parts due to the detail of relief. The urban part is made up of small streets in the older part which lead us to the beach, stairs, parks and gardens.

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

(166) - S.Pedro Moel Map - Portugal Jun/July2014

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