(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

This map was made for the club CDCO 46
It is a map with details very different from those who had the last I did in Fontenebleau.
This time, as always by lot happened to me the northern, more mountainous and closed.
The ground is usually covered with oak and other hardwood species.
Some areas, though white, they have total visibility. But also in light green, it is possible to run at 100% almost in its entirety.
There are also some small rocky areas, many stone walls and too many small ruins likely in the past have served as hiding place for the pastors and also for animals.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

(121) - Catus Map - FranceMay2011.

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