(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

These two maps were a project for the Arabia Orienteering Clube.By their characteristics, it was not easy to make this work.The atmospheric conditions were bad(snowed enough), the terrain was almost very hilly and the base map was of poor quality.I loved the challenges that this terrain has given me.It is a very good and challenging terrain.The map is located in Mont Albertia.It was here tha there that was foughtthe famous battle of Villarreal.This batle was one of the most important of Spain Civil War.On the ground are still many visible traces of the battle:Trenches and Depressions.It is one map that I advise all orienteers who like the real challenges.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

(109) - Map Legutiano/Sprint-Spain2010.

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