(229) Stadium + Rachã TRailO - Portugal December2018
These two maps prepared by me, were intended for the realization of two stages of this aspect of the modality and counted for the cup of Portugal in this discipline in 2019.
This map was part of the same project. It is an urban and semi-urban map and it will be disputed the sprint final of the same Iberian championship 2019. Typical sprint terrain....
(222) - Gafanhas2018 Map - Portugal July / August2018
Forest map in a typical terrain of the Central Coast of Portugal, This terrain is very appreciated by all orienteering practitioners due to its technical quality, combined with the ease with......
This Map, is a project of the Club Correcaminhos of Valencia and is intended for the realization of the Event (V Orienteering City Trophy of Requena) on 5/6/7 April 2018.